The Hortoise, Tortare, Haretoise
One year ago to the very day that I am writing this (and a year plus a day to the date that this post goes live), I left the life that I had been living for 5 years to move across the state of Florida with almost no outward assurances that I was making the right decision. The resulting year has been one of the most challenging, yet most remarkable years of my life.
The decision I made was the right one.
I confess that, despite the occasion and the permission to reminisce that the occasion affords, I’m not feeling very nostalgic. Grateful, yes. But not nostalgic. No looking backwards.
I’ve been in such a serious mood as of late—very serious and unfortunately grumpy, which is, in large part, why I started this blog. It’s not that looking back on the last year has me dissatisfied in any way. Very much the contrary. And yet, the contrast between where I am and where I desire to be has lit my passion on fire. The two existences aren’t so disparate, and yet they are disparate in so many ways. I’ve written in the past about the necessity of embodying the “future you” who is living the life you want to live, but the interesting thing is, who I am now doesn’t feel so very different from who I’m being in that future reality.
I felt this same parallel timeline-slip while staying in beautiful Tel Aviv, two weeks back. So addicted to the moment had I become—drinking in every, tiny feeling—yet also deeply uncomfortable, like I could taste what might be (what very much was, in that moment) and yet the relationship between mind, body and Soul weren’t in unison yet.
The software had arrived, but the hardware needed upgrading.
And yet, here’s a clue that was dropped in my ear the other morning:
Don’t wait for anyone else’s permission, or for the money to come through first, or for the entire path to show up at once, or for the grand scheme of things to land in one blow before you take even the smallest inspired action. My grumpy mood even makes the best advice sound cliche to me, but this backs up a truth that I’m committed to (we were born to create our lives) and which, though you may tire of hearing me say it, I am seeking to live by example through this blog to end all blogs…
Happy Tuesday.
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