How are you? Are you well?

My dear readers, I’m reporting to you from inside one of those “danger zone” moments for a writer…

It has been two weeks (two weeks!) since I’ve done any significant amount of writing, and two things have happened as a result:

  1. My mind, body, heart and Soul have had a deep-tissue massage—a total opportunity for un-plugged relaxation. Never, ever underestimate the power of a mental vacation.
  2. I can feel myself sliding out of the habit I have established in my practice as a writer. It’s a very small slide—incrementally born, moment by moment, and almost undetectable until it’s suddenly the only thing you can think about; how the blank page is where you are very much, well…not.

I still have what I can only describe as “heavy transformation brain,” where I know my energy field (thanks to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur) has undergone foundational changes (like, jack-hammered, new pipes laid, fresh layer of asphalt) and I therefore can only ride this wave until I feel sufficiently back in my body to start something new, in earnest.

And there is so much new, to do.

I had a feeling—and reported this feeling to you a couple of weeks back—that Hold Me, Touch Me would move away from the daily format into a weekly one. That still feels right, so let’s probably give that a go.

For now, I’m just dropping by to tell you that I still think about you often and care about you deeply, and that I’m almost ready to come back to the party. 

Yours, as ever,



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