"...that first, intrepid stride..."
Dear reader, the cold that I thought I had put to bed yesterday moved into the general vicinity of my lungs today, which means I once again have zero desire to do much else other than sleep.
In quiet desperation, I sat down in my old wooden chair in front of my computer.
“I’ll do it tomorrow, I’ll do it tomorrow. I’ll just write them [you] a letter and tell them that I’ll do it in the morning,” I told myself, desperate for reassurance that I wouldn’t have to do what I am doing right this very moment:
Writing. To you.
And though it’s my blog, I’m getting a little tired of always talking about how tired I am, yet that’s part of my reality during this phase of working a day job. And though we spoke of many things today at work which could generate more opportunities for me as a writer, I am always so hesitant to put all of my eggs into a single basket, and to not make one job, one opportunity my “source for all.” That deliverance comes from God and God alone, and is a dire faux pas I have made frequently enough to stay just removed enough from the work I do to remind myself that God chooses the pipelines.
These are some interesting pipelines, though. Exciting, even.
Like the very first pavers put down over the mottled grass—the first, unmistakable signs of the path you have long been praying for. “There’s the path!” you cry out. “Look!” And even though it’s only a few pavers, just enough to take a single step, a path that’s only big enough for that first, intrepid stride is all you need to make a heroic beginning of your own personal "road less traveled.”
And after all, what else are there but new beginnings?
Goodnight, good morning, and good day to you, dear reader.
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